Great Resource—Sing-along Classic Hymns from Eldercare
Source for Hymns--mp3s, midis, etc. Piano, organ, small groups
The site is free if you register with your name and email address.
Virtual Prayer Meeting for February 1, 2023
Virtual Prayer Meeting for February 2, 2022
Virtual Prayer Meeting for February 10, 2021
Virtual Meditation and Prayer Service for Sunday, February 14, 2021
Virtual Meditation and Prayer Service for Wednesday, February 17, 2021
Link to Virtual Prayer Meeting Service from December 16, 2020
Genesis Study—Charles Harris (PDF)
Men's Study Notes: Comparing the Parables of Matthew 13
to the Letters to the Seven Churches
You can download individual lessons:
Summary Chart of Seven Churches
Outline of Seven Churches
Lesson 1—January 15
No class February 12
Click on the link below for this week's newsletter.
If you are accustomed to receiving this newsletter via email at AOL or COX or YAHOO,
please note that they have once again begun bouncing emails.
You might try contacting them to correct that, or you can just click on the icon below to get
the full PDF.
Link to Raymond Ibrahim's excellent page on Islamic persecution of Christians
For more on the amazing story of Gayla Peevey Winchester and her song
"I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas," click here.
The B-Side of "I Want a Hippopotamus for Christmas" has also come back as a hit.
To listen to "Are My Ears on Straight," click on this link.
"The Great Until" by Vance Havner
If you would like a single page containing the testimony of the pastor's cousin Sandy Pfoutz, click the image below:
For more information on Hymns, check out the late Bob Cottrill's website, Wordwise Hymns.
To learn more about Christopher Columbus in his own words and his vision of his mission,
read The Prophecies of Christopher Columbus.
To learn about Critical Race Theory and the SBC,
click on the link below to's video.
It is a long video, but it lays out the issues fairly clearly.
Dr. Tom Nettles, who co-wrote Baptists and the Bible
with Russ Bush, has some insightful commentary.
By What Standard: God's World ... God's Rules
Voddie Baucham has written a new book, Fault Lines,
that also covers this subject thoroughly. I highly recommend it.
Voddie Baucham briefly sums up Critical Race Theory in this 15-minute video.
John MacArthur on CRT and Social Justice (11 Minutes).
Proposed Resolution on CRT for 2021 SBC
(Disregard any browser warning. The site is safe.)
The report of the President's Advisory 1776 Commission
Click the image below for a link to the PDF.
Tom Ascol on Critical Race Theory
Tom Nettles on SBC Resolution 9 of the 2020 SBC (3 parts)
Statement of Grace Community Church on Restrictions on Worship
Dissenting Decision by Justices Alito, Thomas, and Kavanaugh in Calvary Chapel v. Sisolak
That's My King by S. M. Lockridge
America the Great by Paul Harvey
**Our AM transmitter is still up and operating. We broadcast on 1610 AM.
Parking on the front row on the south side of the church building will provide a clearer signal.**
We have in-person services in the auditorium.
Please scroll down to read guidelines.
(This is a low-power AM station, authorized under FCC Part 15.
You must be in the parking lot to receive the signal.)
Sunday School Lessons
taught by Charles Harris
April 5, 2020 Easter—April 12, 2020 April 19, 2020 April 26, 2020
Virtual Prayer Meeting Services
March 16, 2020 with Songs March 25, 2020 with Songs
April 1, 2020 with Songs April 8, 2020 with Songs April 15 with Songs April 22 with Songs April 29 with Songs
Virtual Worship Services
March 22, 2020, AM March 29, 2020, AM
April 5, 2020, AM April 5, 2020, PM Easter Sunday Services, April 12, 2020
(We had a parking lot service, but I have uploaded this file
and different versions of the songs we sang.)
April 26, 2020 Order of Service & Sermon Notes
(this is a PDF file)
Various Links of Interest
Speech of Attorney General William Barr to the Federalist Society, November 15, 2019
(Video and Text) (
Speech of Attorney General William Barr to the Notre Dame School of Law
(a defense of religious liberty)
To see and read Ronald Reagan's original handwritten letter to his father-in-law, Dr. Loyal Davis, click here.
One-page brochure with the Bible's plan of salvation, click here.
Two-side chart of the origin of the nations from sources cited.
Origin of the Devil and the Battle of the Ages
PDF File
a sermon by the late Dr. J. P. McBeth
professor at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary
and Criswell College
A Visual Comparison of the Reliability of the New Testament Documents
and other ancients texts received as reliable.
Lectures and Podcasts from Dr. James Tour of Rice University.
One of the most powerful speakers on science and faith
Papers from the Creation Sciences Fellowship Conference in 2018
Archived videos from Moody Institute of Science
Click here for the Missions Family Tree of First Baptist (Okc), and Kelham's Missions
An Excellent Review and critical response to Rob Bell's "Love Wins"
an excellent Creationist website
Excellent Chronology of the Life of King David (PDF File)
by William H. Gross, On the Wing
The Jesus Family Tomb—Does It Contain the Bones of Jesus of Nazareth?
(A critique by Dr. Charles Quarles of Louisiana College
For up-to-date headlines and stories from Baptist Press, click here.
You can still read selected articles from the Oklahoma Baptist Messenger here.