Kelham Baptist Church

"Strength for today, hope for tomorrow"

3400 N. Meridian Avenue

Oklahoma City, OK 73112

Office Hours: 9 AM—1 PM, Monday—Tuesday, Thursday—Friday

9 AM—5 PM, Wednesday

Closed Saturday

Telephone: 405 946-9826


& Activities

This page will not be updated until April

Bulletins are posted below.


March 9, 2025

9:30 AM Sunday school & Bible study

for all ages

10:45 AM Morning service

5:00 PM Men's study—Ruth

Women's study (2 Corinthians)

Children's and Youth Study

6:00 PM Evening service

Tuesday, March 11

11:00 PM Women on Mission

Meeting and Luncheon

1:00 PM Dorcas Circle

Wednesday, March 12

5:45 PM Fellowship meal—HAM

6:30 PM  Mission study/business meeting


March 9 Daylight Savings Time Begins

Wednesday Meal Menus through April 9

3/5 King Ranch Chicken

3/12 Ham

3/19 Chicken Spaghetti

3/26 Meat Loaf

4/2 Beef Noodle Bake

4/9 Oven fried Chicken

Guest Speakers for March

9—Tony Montgomery

16—Lawrence Shipley

23—Wayne Hendricks

30—Tony Montgomery

Book of Genesis study by Charles Harris is available on the page with our newsletter.


Click on the bulletin icon below for a full-sized, printable PDF of thecoming week's bulletin..


We provide a low-power AM radio broadcast of the morning service in our

parking lot at 1610 AM on your radio

for those who prefer to remain in their cars.

Upcoming weeks' bulletns

March 9

March 16

March 23

March 30

April 6

Our Beliefs

We are a local autonomous Baptist church cooperating with the

Southern Baptist Convention® and adhere

to the latest Baptist Faith and Message.

More information about the SBC


Click here for a download page for the newsletter.


For a free subscription to the Oklahoma Baptist state paper for members of Oklahoma Baptist churches, click this link.

Click on the button for "Subscriber Services," and fill out the information form.

A History by Gene Brewington

(Updated with scans of original graphics

and photographs)

Youth Happenings

(Updated March 18, 2021)

Kelham Kabin

Falls Creek Cabin

(history, information, and pictures)

About Kelham Baptist Church

Kelham Baptist Church began in December of 1913 in the Bath subdivision on the east side of Oklahoma City. We celebrated 100 years of preaching the gospel in 2013
. This year will mark 111 years.

Sarah (Kelham) Bath, wife of real estate developer Vincent Bath, saw the need for a Sunday School for her neighborhood children, and that became the Kelham Avenue Baptist Church. She began a Sunday School in her home about 1911 to reach children in the neighborhood of Kelham Avenue and NE 13th in Oklahoma City. This church grew from that small Sunday School outreach.

Photo source: Gumm, John. [Photograph 2012.201.B0971.0026], photograph, February 5, 1959; ( accessed June 10, 2021), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.

Photo source: Kelham Baptist Church archives, Anson Justice files.

In 1955, the church moved from Kelham Avenue to NE 36th and Staton Drive, taking in Park Estates Baptst Church, a mission of First Baptist Church of Oklahoma City. Several years before the church moved, it spent almost $250,000 (in 1954 dollars a little over $2.9 million in 2025 dollars) to renovate the facilities because Pastor Anson Justice believed a church of some kind proclaiming the gospel of Jesus Christ would be there. That location is the current home of Avery Chapel, AME.

Edited Photo source: Jacoby, Ray. Kelham Avenue Baptist Church, photograph, June 13, 1957; ( accessed December 28, 2021), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society

VBS Group Photo, 1957: Pastor David C. Hall is on the left.

Photo credit: Jacoby, Ray. Kelham Avenue Baptist Church, photograph, June 13, 1957; ( accessed June 10, 2021), The Gateway to Oklahoma History,; crediting Oklahoma Historical Society.


In the late 1960s, Kelham moved to the northwest side of Oklahoma City, merging with Utah Avenue Baptist Church. The buildings the church had constructed on NE 36th and Staton Drive were sold and currently house two different Baptist churches, Greater Mount Carmel Baptist Church and Followers of Christ Baptist Church.

The two gray-scaled pictures below are from the Southern Baptist Historical Society website:

We believe Kelham Baptist Church is a place you can call home. Our music is traditional (we sing hymns from hymnbooks not because we are old-fashioned but because hymns powerfully emphasize historic truths of our faith and remind us of the truths those who have gone before us have learned and celebrated). The community of God's people singing is a powerful testimony and great encouragement. Our preaching is expositional (we explain the Bible and apply its teachings to our lives today). Our church family is warm and welcoming. We unapologetically are Baptist in the historic Baptist tradition of free churches.

You can join our drive-in church service on Sunday mornings by parking in our parking lot and tuning your radio to 1610 AM.

"Strength for today, bright hope for tomorrow"

Kelham Baptist Church

Mailing Address: P.O. Box 12605 3400 N. Meridian Avenue
Oklahoma City, OK   73157
Telephone: (405) 946-9826
Fax: (405) 946-9826
(a voice call is necessary before faxing any material)

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